Concept behind the 2016 Annapolis Film Festival Poster along with a review of 2013, 2014 and 2015 themes.

Joe Barsin's new poster illustration for the 2016 Annapolis Film Festival has just been unveiled in the January issue of "What's Up? Annapolis" magazine. Shown here is the vertical composition of the new design. Joe also created horizontal versions to be used in social media promotions. This is the fourth year that the Annapolis Film Festival has asked Joe Barsin to create their visual theme. It is a great honor since the AFF continues to grow with each successful year.

The 2016 theme for AFF is a little different then what Joe has created in the past (scroll down to see previous themes). At first glance, it’s a boat captain with a crab moustache, a.k.a. "Captain Crab!" … But there is more to the concept which Joe Barsin explains below:
Jeff Huntington's mural above tsunami RESTAURANT on west street in Annapolis
Jeff Huntington discussing the concept behind the tsunami mural One of many examples of inspired poster design for the film, BATTLESHIP potemkin
"My biggest inspiration from this past year was Jeff Huntington’s mural he painted above the popular West Street restaurant 'tsunami'. Jeff's work is dynamic and I loved that he used an image from the 1925 silent film, 'Battleship Potemkin'. This old soviet film has a long tradition in the creative world and has inspired many great works in film and graphic design. The fact that Jeff’s mural became controversial since it was not approved by the Annapolis Historical Preservation Commission made it even more relevant. I loved Jeff’s quote, 'The larger conversation is about allowing contemporary art to merge with the Historic District. If it was another sailboat and crab mural, nobody would bat an eye.' From this, my concept was born. I wanted to link the Annapolis Film Festival into the creative conversation that has been invigorated by Huntington’s mural. By using the image of the irate naval officer from 'Battleship Potemkin' and creatively merging him with Maryland’s proud and beloved icon, the crab, then we have a winner! Having the face of the old captain in a Navy town seemed appropriate and the added film reel on the hat visually connected the film festival’s theme. All together, the image is a humorous, and hopefully, memorable promotional theme for the 2016 Annapolis Film Festival! I hope you enjoy and come out to the Festival this Spring. — Joe Barsin"
Publications and Merchandise with the 2016 AFF Captain Crab theme
Vertical layout of the 2016 Annapolis Film Festival poster
Poster illustrations for the 2013, 2014 and 2015 Annapolis Film Festivals

Click here for the back story on the creative development of the 2013 AFF poster.

Click here for the back story on the creative development of the 2014 AFF poster.
See Moe Taylor's animation using Joe Barsin's 2014 illustration here.
The 2015 Annapolis Film Festival illustration by Joe Barsin. shows Joe's love of steampunk.
Click here for the back story on the creative development of the 2015 AFF poster.
See Moe Taylor's animation using Joe Barsin's 2015 illustration here.
Click to learn more about the Annapolis Film Festival.
Click to learn more about Joe Barsin and his illustration work.
Click to learn more about Jeff Huntington's work.