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Giving Day! for F4AC at LOCAL by Design: Oct. 20, 2016

SAVE the DATE to Shop, Party and Fight Cancer! 
It’s almost time for Fish for A Cure’s 10th annual charitable fishing tournament and shore party!

Local by Design has generously agreed to help benefit this wonderful organization by giving 10% of all proceeds, all day, on Oct. 20. Join us in the evening as we celebrate LBD’s owner, Suzi Jett, for recently beating cancer. They'll be fun raffles and spectacular giveaways from the artists.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="960.0"]Oct. 20 2016 is Giving Day for F4AC at LOCAL by Design Oct. 20 2016 is Giving Day for F4AC at LOCAL by Design[/caption] [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600.0"]Visit LOCAL by Design! On Main street in downtown annapolis (right next to O'Briens) Visit LOCAL by Design! On Main street in downtown annapolis (right next to O'Briens)[/caption]