Events -

Operation Enduring Friendship: Thank you Governor Hogan and First Lady Yumi!

First Lady extended her time and support to Local by Design Annapolis Mall

L to R: Joe & Eva Barsin of Citizen Pride, MD's First Lady Yumi Hogan and Susan Mrofka Sears, owner of Local by Design, located in the Annapolis Mall.

By now, you’ve heard of Operation Enduring Friendship, where
Governor Larry Hogan
and First Lady Yumi Hogan negotiated to obtain 500,000 Coronavirus tests from South Korea. The First Lady was instrumental in achieving this. What you may not have know about her: An artist herself, the First Lady extended her time and support to
Local by Design Annapolis Mall
two years ago when she graciously attended our Grand Opening. Having her and Mayor Gavin Buckley was a huge honor that day and provided a terrific boost to the over 100 artists and small businesses who are part of LBD. We remain grateful for our state of Maryland’s leadership.
Thanks again to you, the community, for shopping from artists directly but please also remember to support the local shops that carry our work and products.