September 2016 Newsletter: Keep Calm & Tailgate on!
It's that time of year... kids are back in school, leaves are beginning to fall and football season has begun. Let's get stuff done, support our community and continue celebrating fun times with friends and family!
What is the House of Awesome?
Introducing a brand new company we’re excited to be partnering with. The House of Awesome will serve as Maryland’s #1 source for the coolest, most unique tailgating products on the market. AVAILABLE NOW: a line of portable tailgating tables featuring our Citizen Pride artwork. Perfect for the beach, stadiums or backyard gatherings where you will definitely stand out! See more of the HOA story and order YOUR portable table HERE
Check back often as there will be a lot more products to come this fall!
Follow this link to see our new designs and fun updates for this month!
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