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Events, New Work -

Poster Unveiled for 2017 Annapolis Film Festival!

We had a great time last night at the Annapolis Film Festival 2017 Poster Unveil Party! at the Metropolitan Restaurant. The new illustrated theme created by Citizen Pride's Joe Barsin, will be used on marketing materials and merchandise for this 5th year of the festival. THANK YOU to those who came and plan on supporting the Annapolis Film Festival.

This is the fifth year, in a row, that Joe...

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Events -

How about a print or canvas wall art with your family name, child’s name for their room, wedding date and names of the happy couple? We'll help you create truly special, personal gifts but order soon in time for the Holidays as it takes 8-10 business days to produce.

Explore our site to see the options and contact us to discuss the details so we can provide you with an estimate.  Email to info...

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Events -

It was just announced that Fish for A Cure will be donating a minimum of $311,000 to Anne Arundel Medical Center's Geaton and JoAnn DeCesaris Cancer Institute in 2016! NEW Fundraising Record! - THANK YOU to each and every one of you who made this possible!
Citizen Pride / JEB Design, Inc. is a proud sponsor of F4AC since 2011. Over these 5 years, we have donated all our logo, branding and...

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