Snowy Annapolis Holiday Card Pack of 10, Art by Joe Barsin

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  • Regular price $20.00

Imagine a snowy skyline of Annapolis, Maryland this Holiday. It is a beautiful scene filled with interesting and historic steeples and cupolas. Joe Barsin's illustration features the many recognizable elements that rise high above our city and make it so special. Listed here are some of the historical Annapolis landmarks in the work, which include the following (shown from left to right) St. Mary's Church, St. Anne's Church, Buddy's Crab and Ribs, Schooner Woodwind, Senator Madaleno Office cupola, Middleton's Tavern, Maryland's State House, Annapolis Post Office cupola, USNA Chapel cupola, USNA Holsey Field House, St. John's College and USNA Mahan Hall.
  • 10, 7 x 5 note cards with 10 white envelopes
  • Message Inside: "Celebrate the beauty of the season and a New Year of peace and happiness."
  • Vibrant high-quality offset lithography printing
  • Printed on heavy professional paper stock, 100 lb cover.
  • Illustrated and printed in the USA.