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Arnold Elementary Teachers show off their Terrapin Pride shirts
This makes our day! Thanks to Kim Lucado for helping to make this happen. What a small way for us to give back to you. We appreciate the talented educators and staff at Arnold Elementary for all they do every day... every YEAR for our children. They make a big difference in our community and have certainly impacted our family in a very positive way. #Grateful #CitizenPride
"Thank you Joe and...
#MyCitizenPride Contest Giveaway!
***Our FIRST contest GIVEAWAY of 2016!
Make sure you Like our Facebook page then create a post or tweet using #MyCitizenPride and you’re automatically entered for a chance to win any two of our products available on our website ( Be creative! Have Fun! Show us how YOU display your Citizen Pride.
We’ll return the love on Valentines day, February, 14th, and announce the winner at...
January 2016 News: New Year. New Designs. New Contests!
Read our January 2016 Newsletter here! Get yours delivered to your email every month by subsribing here.
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Concept behind the 2016 Annapolis Film Festival Poster along with a review of 2013, 2014 and 2015 themes.

Joe Barsin's new poster illustration for the 2016 Annapolis Film Festival has just been unveiled in the January issue of "What's Up? Annapolis" magazine. Shown here is the vertical composition of the new design. Joe also created horizontal versions to be used in social media promotions. This is the fourth year that the Annapolis Film Festival has asked Joe Barsin to create their visual theme....
Super Fan, Joseph Moore, inspired by our Crab Wreath