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South River Custom Cornhole has a little helper with Citizen Pride boards
"Citizen Pride and Courtney Jo Whirley, Thanks for the inspiration!! Our newest addition looks pretty comfy " — South River Cornhole[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="720.0"]
Holiday Cards Fun Facts!
- The custom of sending Christmas cards was started in the UK in 1843.
- In 1915, John C. Hall and his two brothers created Hallmark Cards in America.
- Nearly 1.5 billion cards are sent each year, 45% of them are Christmas Cards.
- Only 15% of cards are bought by men.
- Citizen Pride has 10 card designs available, 3 of those are Holiday designs.
Personalized Citizen Pride gifts through Zazzle!
Here’s an opportunity to use our artwork to create unique, custom-made gifts! Check out our Zazzle page here!

New! Cover Art for Chesapeake Oyster Lovers' Handbook
What a fun illustration project this was and the book is even better! This would make a wonderful and unique gift, as well as their other book: "Crab Decks & Tiki Bars of the Chesapeake Bay. Check out their pages to learn more: Chesapeake Oyster Lovers' Handbook and Crab Decks & Tiki Bars of the Chesapeake Bay.

"Thanks for all your likes and emails with well wishes for our new...
Holiday Crab Wreath Winner! Faith Deller!
We want to give a sincere thanks to all of you for your touching and generous comments. This is a time of year for giving and receiving, a time to remember others less fortunate than ourselves, peace in the world, a time for families to end their quarrels and come together, a time to celebrate the true spirit of Christmas and this Holiday Season. ~Joe & Eva of #CitizenPride